“Little Blue Dolls (Preliminary Materials for a Theory of the Afterlife)”

Transversals Issue #5: “Dead Futures,” Fall 2024.

[With contributions by Zachary Baker, Shaoni C. White, Julia Dzwonkoski, in8 iĐ, D. Sloan, Zack Pieper, Connor Grogan, and Tim Johnson.]

{This project is supported by The Generator Fund, a grant for artists administered by The Buffalo Institute for Contemporary Art and funded by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.}


“Techniques of the Global: Race, Territory, and the Coloniality of Reason”

Africa Today Vol. 63, No. 2, Winter 2016 (Indiana University Press)

[Forum Contribution from Spring 2016 Area Studies Symposium: African Studies and the Challenge of the Global.]
